


\n \n );\n};\n\nexport default React.memo(Paragraph);\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport { Helmet } from \"react-helmet\";\nimport { useStaticQuery, graphql } from \"gatsby\";\nimport { ENV_GATSBY_SITE_URL } from \"../utils/secrets\";\n\ninterface Props {\n title?: string;\n keywords?: string[];\n pageUrl: string;\n description?: string;\n lang?: string;\n meta?: [];\n imageUrl?: string;\n isArticle?: boolean;\n author?: string;\n useSiteUrlForImage?: boolean;\n richData?: { [key: string]: any };\n}\n\nconst SEO: React.FC = (props: Props) => {\n const {\n title,\n description,\n lang,\n meta,\n pageUrl,\n imageUrl,\n isArticle = false,\n author,\n useSiteUrlForImage = true,\n richData,\n } = props;\n\n const { site } = useStaticQuery(\n graphql`\n query {\n site {\n siteMetadata {\n siteName\n description\n keywords\n author\n facebookAppId\n twitterHandle\n siteUrl\n }\n }\n }\n `\n );\n\n const metaTitle = title || site.siteMetadata.siteName;\n const metaDescription = description || site.siteMetadata.description;\n\n let keywords = props.keywords;\n if (!keywords || (Array.isArray(keywords) && keywords.length === 0)) {\n keywords = site.siteMetadata.keywords;\n }\n\n const metaKeywords = Array.isArray(keywords) ? keywords.join(\", \") : keywords; // keywords is either array or string\n\n const metaPageUrl = ENV_GATSBY_SITE_URL + pageUrl;\n\n const facebookTags = [\n {\n property: `og:url`,\n content: metaPageUrl,\n },\n {\n property: `og:site_name`,\n content: site.siteMetadata.siteName,\n },\n {\n property: `og:title`,\n content: metaTitle,\n },\n {\n property: `og:description`,\n content: metaDescription,\n },\n // {\n // property: `og:image`,\n // content: metaImageUrl,\n // },\n {\n property: `og:type`,\n content: isArticle ? \"article\" : \"website\",\n },\n {\n property: `og:article:author`,\n content: author,\n },\n {\n property: `og:locale`,\n content: lang,\n },\n {\n property: `fb:app_id`,\n content: site.siteMetadata.facebookAppId,\n },\n ];\n\n const twitterTags = [\n {\n name: `twitter:card`,\n content: `summary`,\n },\n {\n name: `twitter:site`,\n content: site.siteMetadata.twitterHandle,\n },\n {\n name: `twitter:site:id`,\n content: site.siteMetadata.twitterId,\n },\n {\n name: `twitter:creator`,\n content: author,\n },\n {\n name: `twitter:title`,\n content: metaTitle,\n },\n {\n name: `twitter:description`,\n content: metaDescription,\n },\n // {\n // name: `twitter:image`,\n // content: metaImageUrl,\n // },\n // {\n // name: `twitter:image:src`,\n // content: metaImageUrl,\n // },\n ];\n\n const pinterestTags = [\n {\n name: `article:author`,\n content: author,\n },\n ];\n\n const allMeta = [\n {\n name: \"description\",\n content: metaDescription,\n },\n {\n name: \"keywords\",\n content: metaKeywords,\n },\n ...facebookTags,\n ...twitterTags,\n ...pinterestTags,\n ].filter(tag => !!tag.content);\n\n return (\n \n {!!richData && (\n \n )}\n \n );\n};\n\nSEO.defaultProps = {\n lang: `en`,\n meta: [],\n description: ``,\n};\n\nexport default React.memo(SEO);","export default __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/profile-b7e98288695c5cb882f44a3bf50217e3.png\";","export default __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/house-820f5e6a4cd63a02269c1e68d3be67ee.png\";","import * as React from \"react\";\nimport PageWrapper from \"../components/PageWrapper\";\nimport { ROUTE_LINKS } from \"../utils/routes\";\nimport ProfilePic from \"../images/profile.png\";\nimport HousePic from \"../images/house.png\";\nimport Paragraph from \"../components/Paragraph\";\nimport SEO from \"../components/SEO\";\n\nconst AboutUs: React.FC = () => {\n return (\n \n \n
\n \n There are over 48 million rental homes in the United States 35% of\n Americans rent homes.\n
\n The average tenant screening takes 3-5 business days\n
\n \n Matrix is a tenant analysis fintech platform that is changing the\n landscape of the growing, $500 Billion rental housing market. Our\n proprietary scoring model called MAIA (Matrix Asset & Income\n Analysis) produces a more thorough, inclusive tenant scoring that\n allows landlords and property managers to underwrite and approve\n tenants in less than 15 minutes, particularly in the area of\n affordable housing.\n \n
\n \"House\"\n

Our Team

\n \n

Sipho Simela

CEO/ Founder
\n );\n};\n\nexport default React.memo(AboutUs);\n"],"names":["Paragraph","title","children","className","React","SEO","props","description","lang","pageUrl","meta","imageUrl","isArticle","author","richData","useSiteUrlForImage","site","useStaticQuery","metaTitle","siteMetadata","siteName","metaDescription","keywords","Array","isArray","length","metaKeywords","join","facebookTags","property","content","ENV_GATSBY_SITE_URL","facebookAppId","twitterTags","name","twitterHandle","twitterId","allMeta","filter","tag","htmlAttributes","siteLanguage","type","JSON","stringify","defaultProps","AboutUs","PageWrapper","path","ROUTE_LINKS","src","HousePic","alt","ProfilePic"],"sourceRoot":""}